One could say that much of Christiane Blattmann's work revolves around domains. That could be about the question of inside versus outside, about architecture and its social implications, or about garments, domains in themselves. Le Berceau, 2021 is both a pair of shoes and a pair of buildings. Because of their placement, their particular dimensions and their details, it remains unclear which of the two they are, highlighting their shared ties to cultural phenomena, such as social status or personality.
The two wall pieces, made from silicone cast in cheese cloth question their own domain. Although presented as paintings; stretched on a stretcher, they’re not, like paintings, images-on-carriers; as the cheesecloth is permeated by the silicone, formally they function as tapestries. Moreover; although they’re clearly set up figuratively, due to their sensual quality and repeated patterns, their physical function almost overpowers their visual intention.