In September 2021, 8. Salon presents the Dutch artist Melle de Boer. With this exhibition we provide a platform for Melles latest developments in his painting.
While the exhibition will focus on Melle’s painting, we are interested in the way his artistic practice merges with his pursuits in music and writing, and wish to provide viewers a rounded and dynamic view of his practice as a perfomer, painter and draftsman. Over the course of his career, Melle has produced numerous books in both the visual arts and music fields, from professionally published books to punk-style zines including drawings, writings, photographs, and paintings. We believe the format of the book is a crucial aspect of Melle’s practice.
Therefore 8. Salon invited Melle to develop a new work in booklet form in collaboration with Julian Sirre and with a text by writer and artist Maja Klaassens. The Publication will be presented by the end of the exhibition.
The day after the exhibition opening. Saturday September 4th, Melle will perform his music, along with Janneke Nijhuijs. The concert will take place at Zeiseweg 9 on Bühne im Frappant Hof. Starting 6 PM as part of Hamburger Kultursommer. It's Melles second concert in Hamburg. He played a show together with Daniel Johnston at Übel & Gefährlich in 2008.